Fri 27-September-2024

Hamas calls for documenting Israeli crime against Hind, her relatives and medics

Saturday 10-February-2024


The Hamas Movement has called for documenting the massacre that had been committed by the Israeli occupation army against Hind and her relatives along with two paramedics.

In a statement on Saturday, Hamas said that six-year-old Hind Rajab along with her relatives and two paramedics, who had prior coordination to rescue them, had been deliberately and cold-bloodedly killed in Gaza City by gunfire from the Israeli occupation army.

“We call upon UN and human rights organizations to document this horrific crime as one of hundreds of massacres that had been committed by the Nazi occupation forces in the Gaza Strip as a prelude to taking legal action against this criminal army and its Nazi leaders for their crimes and their direct killing of children and defenseless civilians,” Hamas said.

“This appalling crime and other heinous crimes against our children and people in Gaza will remain engraved in the Palestinian memory,” Hamas underlined.

“The day will come when this rogue entity is held accountable for the crimes it committed against our people, land and holy sites,” the Movement added.

The body of a six-year-old Palestinian girl, missing for 12 days after an Israeli tank targeted her family car in Gaza, was found today along with the bodies of her relatives.

Two medics were also found dead after an Israeli tank bombed their ambulance upon its arrival at the scene following prior coordination with the Israeli army. The ambulance was found just a few meters away from the car containing the bodies of Hind and her relatives.

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