Fri 27-September-2024

Hafsa’s massacre horror: A new chapter of pain and resistance in a body parts box

Friday 27-September-2024


Despite the Israeli insistence on breaking the resilient spirit that the people of Gaza have upheld for nearly a year with its military machinery and criminal missiles, and its attempts to tighten the noose around them by targeting shelters and schools, the last refuge for the displaced, through committing numerous horrific massacres that resulted in dozens of martyrs and hundreds of wounded, the response has often been a resounding shock to Israel, despite the pain and suffering: “The souls of the martyrs are a sacrifice for the resistance.”

This is how a young man, still in the bloom of youth, appears after the horrific massacre perpetrated by Israel at Hafsa School in Al-Falouja, in which several of his family and loved ones perished. He declares with a determination that touches the sky: “By God, it’s a sacrifice for the resistance. All the souls of the martyrs are not a loss for the resistance. A sacrifice for Al Deif and a sacrifice for Al-Sinwar.”

This young man affirms that those who have fallen as martyrs were on the same path, raising the same banner, believing in it, and holding onto it until victory over the brutal occupation is achieved. He says, “By God, the martyr said it before he was martyred: ‘For the sake of the resistance, may God have mercy on them all.’”

Despite the blood of their children and the farewells that burn hearts and souls, mothers pledge in more than one scene captured by the press that revenge against the occupation army is coming and that it will inevitably pay the price.

Amidst blood-stained bread and painful stories recounted by witnesses to the massacre, those who kneaded pain and baked sorrow to write the story of resilience that the people of Gaza are scripting, the massacre at Hafsa School in Al-Falouja stands as another testament to the story of steadfastness, witnessing all the chapters that the brutal war writes in blood. Journalist Islam Bader documents this in a four-minute summary cloaked in patience and anguish: farewell, anger, loss, resilience.

Bader emphasizes in his documented and painful narrative: “This is Gaza, and these are its people, unfiltered.”

The black box of resilience
Civil Defense spokesperson Captain Mahmoud Basal confirmed that the occupation army still targets shelters and schools, which have become essential after the destruction of the homes of the people of Gaza.

He adds, “Consequently, there is no place left for citizens to seek refuge other than these schools, and the Israeli occupation continues to bombard the schools to this moment. We are talking about Al-Falouja School in Jabalia, which was targeted by the occupation, resulting in an initial toll of 15 martyrs, including children and women.”

He noted that there are large quantities of body parts, and there are missing persons, with search operations by Civil Defense and medical teams ongoing.

He pointed out that the occupation army targeted a large number of schools in September and August, and there is a clear focus on targeting schools.

The spokesperson for the Civil Defense confirmed that international organizations must fulfill their responsibilities in protecting the children, women, and citizens present in the Gaza Strip.

A member of the Civil Defense stated in press remarks, “We are unable to count the number of martyrs, as the massacre is horrific, and we are retrieving the martyrs as body parts. After the massacre against the innocents at Al-Falouja School, we retrieved dozens of martyrs, including children and women, with the bodies in pieces.”

For her part, Mai Tahir said, “It has been 356 days, and the massacres and genocide continue. How long will this silence and betrayal last? God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs. Body parts, blood, and remains of humans! This is the situation in Gaza every day.”

The body parts box tells the rest of the story
The scenes of pain from the Hafsa School massacre do not stop here. The body parts of the martyrs, which their families were forced to collect with grief and anguish in boxes, tell another story of the genocide and its chapters that the Zionist enemy has been practicing for nearly a year. However, this has not deterred them from believing that the story is not over, and there will be a coming chapter of victory, despite everything.

Yet, this will not prevent the families of the martyrs from expressing their cries of anguish and pain, and feeling betrayed by an Arab and Islamic world that has become accustomed to the scene, no longer moved by these massacres to take action for relief, offer assistance, and stop the aggression, instead of continuing the silence and betrayal.

A grieving mother, amidst the massacre, poses a question filled with sorrow, anger, and a curse for the unjust world that watches and remains silent, sometimes conspiring and supporting the crimes, or continues to lament its impotence while remaining seated as sorrowful spectators: “Are we a horror movie you’re watching, and then the story ends?”

Dr. Hani Al-Dali said in a post on (X): “Do not become accustomed to the scene for their cries, for their suffering, for your brothers in blood and Arabism, do not become accustomed to the scene!”

Karim Hassan wrote in a post: “The cries of the families of the martyrs have reached the heavens! Only God knows the extent of this oppression!”

Ahmed Hamdan recorded a reminder of the pain, saying: “Body parts, blood, and remains of humans! This is our situation every day.”

Adham Sharqawi commented: “The bloodsuckers have not had their fill of our blood yet. A new massacre in the bombing of Hafsa School, which shelters the displaced in Al-Falouja in Khan Yunis. O God, have mercy!”

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