Fri 27-September-2024

IOF quells anti-annexation protest

Friday 5-June-2020

A Palestinian young man was hit with a rubber-coated bullet in the head while participating in a protest in Tubas on Friday against Israeli annexation plan of large areas of the West Bank.

A local source said that Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired rubber-coated metal bullets and teargas canisters at the protesters in Atuf valley to the south east of Tubas in the Jordan Valley.

The source said that the participants had offered the Friday prayer on the land threatened with confiscation then went on a peaceful march to protest the annexation plan when they were confronted by IOF soldiers.

He added that the gas bombs started fires in a ten-dunum cultivated land lot before civil brigades put it off.

The participants hoisted Palestinian flags and chanted anti-annexation slogans the source concluded.

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