Tue 11-February-2025


Cold weather kills Palestinian infant

All people who know about the story of the death of Palestinian infant Mohammed Alswerki 12-day old feel like their bodies are shaking of horror.

Jabal Mukkabir in Jerusalem: A resistance stronghold

Jabal Mukkabir a stronghold for resistance has always been proud of its resistance against foreign invaders throughout the years.

Turkish girl’s dream of studying in Gaza comes true

“I love Gaza very much and I wish if I could live my entire life here” said Ruqia Hussien Dumir a 26-year old Turkish student in Gaza telling the story of why she chose Gaza to do her post-graduate studies and exclude the world’s most advanced countries from her plans.

The celebrated former archbishop of Jerusalem

Palestine is saddened by the death of the former archbishop of Jerusalem Hilarion Capucci who spent his life serving the national Palestinian cause until he died in exile in Rome.

Palestinian identity carves out space of its own in Chilean schools

The Palestinian diaspora in the Latin American country of Chile has had a stamp of its own in shaping an Arab identity largely flavored by the aromatic zest of the Palestinian character.

Palestinians in Turkey: Strengthening identity sticking to constants

Palestinians in Turkey spoke of return and unity at their first conference and of 70 years of struggle against the “Zionist occupation” in which they remained committed to their beliefs constants and rights.

Leshem: Monster swallowing the land of Rafat

At the agricultural lands and olive groves surrounding the southern part of the village of Rafat the Israeli occupation bulldozers continue to uproot lands belonging to Rafat village.

Furqan War (Cast Lead)

Eight years have passed since Israel launched its war on the Gaza Strip known as the battle of the Furqan and named by Israel “Operation Cast Lead.” the Gaza Strip is still suffering from the consequences of that war which lasted for 23 days.

Ruins of Ateya face extinction due to neglect

A few meters away from Joreish village south of Nablus lie the ruins of Ateya. Although it is a Palestinian landmark it suffers neglect and possible extinction.

Cold weather doubles Gazans’ suffering

The persistent electricity outages crisis is still the major problem facing the population of the Gaza Strip with the people’s suffering increasing in winter.