Wed 19-February-2025

Hamas calls for releasing Sheikh Mustafa Abu Arra from PA prisons

Thursday 20-July-2023

The Hamas Movement has called for releasing Sheikh Mustafa Abu Arra from the Palestinian Authority prisons in the West Bank city of Tubas.

In a press statement on Thursday the Movement said that arresting the Hamas leader Abu Arra serves the interests of the Israeli occupation calling on the PA to stop the policy of political arrest and end security coordination with Israel.

The Movement stressed that escalating the policy of political arrest amid the repeated Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people lands and holy sites does not help achieve national unity.

Earlier today Sheikh Abu Arra was transferred to Tubas Turkish Governmental Hospital as his health deteriorated after the PA security forces arrested him in Tubas.

Sheikh Abu Arra had condemned the PA arrest campaigns launched against Palestinian resistance fighters adding that this policy contradicts the Palestinian national constants.

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