Thu 6-February-2025

Badran: Britain is persistent in its colonial legacy

Saturday 20-November-2021

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Husam Badran has accused the British regime of persisting in its infamous colonial legacy that it had started with the 1917 Balfour Declaration denouncing its decision to label his Movement as a terror group.

In press remarks Badran described the British decision as “directed against the Palestinian people and their resistance and not only Hamas.”

“With such decision Britain wants to please the Zionist occupation which practices terror and murder against our Palestinian people” he said.

He pointed out that “Hamas has no relations with Britain and does not beg for relations with anyone” adding that several international parties has contact with his Movement through mediators or directly.

“Hamas had won democratic and fair elections and earned its popularity from the Palestinian people” the Hamas official underscored.

He also pointed to the presence of widespread solidarity with Hamas in many western countries blaming the current wave of Arab normalization with the occupation state for encouraging Britain to take hostile positions against the Palestinian people.

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