Thu 6-February-2025

Hamas calls for revoking Abraham accords with occupation state

Sunday 19-September-2021

The Hamas Movement has called for renouncing the shameful Abraham accords and ending all forms of normalized relations with the Israeli occupation state urging the Muslim and Arab nations to restore their role in defending Palestine.

In a press release on Saturday Hamas stressed the need “to swiftly correct such wrong political trajectory and respond to the aspirations of the peoples in the region who rejects any sort of normalization with the occupation state.”

“The so-called Abraham accords are a Zio-American project par excellence aimed at establishing regional openness and normalization with the Zionist entity integrating it into the region and forging alliances with it to shift the conflict priorities instead of being with the Zionist entity that is occupying Palestine and considered the greatest danger to the region” the Movement said.

“The US administration and the Zionist entity are working on deceiving our nations and anesthetizing their awareness through an intensive marketing and promotion campaign for the Abraham accords that have been brokered with rogue regimes working against the region’s history present and future” it added.

“Those accords are aimed at consolidating and achieving the Zionist hegemony over the region militarily politically and economically plundering its wealth marginalizing the Palestinian cause and isolating our Palestinian people from its Arab and Islamic surrounding and depth” the Movement underscored.

On September 15 2020 the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain officially signed normalization deals (Abraham accords) with the occupation state under the auspices of the previous US administration. Sudan and Morocco followed suit soon later.

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