Fri 20-September-2024

Canada brands MP Galloway as persona non grata for supporting Hamas

Saturday 21-March-2009

OTTAWA (PIC)– Different international media outlets reported Friday that the Canadian immigration ministry had declared British lawmaker George Galloway persona non grata in the country because of many reasons including his support for the Hamas Movement.

Spokesman for the Canadian immigration minister Alykhan Velshi blatantly said that Canada does not intend to roll out the red carpet for MP Galloway who feels proud of giving financial support to Hamas an organization that is banned in Canada.

According to the British newspaper the Sun Mr Galloway was due to make a speech in Toronto the second largest city in Canada on March 30 following a US lecture tour.

For his part Galloway vowed Friday to use all means to challenge the decision taken by immigration minister Jason Kenny which denied him entry to Canada to give a series of speeches.

Galloway explored with organizers of his speaking tour and with legal advisors to challenge the decision which he condemned as an “idiotic ban” and an affront to Canada’s good name.

“This decision has further vindicated the anti-war movement’s contention that unjust wars abroad will end up consuming the very liberties that make us who we are” Galloway underlined.

Galloway was dismissed from the British labor party in 2003 in a step considered a contradiction to the principals of democracy Britain claims to have after he described former US president George Bush and the then British premier Tony Blair as behaving like “wolves” in Iraq.

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