Mon 7-October-2024

Shabana threatens a bombshell against Abbas PA officials

Tuesday 16-February-2010

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– Fahmi Shabana Al-Tamimi the Palestinian intelligence officer who exposed a number of financial and moral scandals in the PA in Ramallah city has threatened Tuesday to drop a bomb shell that would block Mahmoud Abbas’s participation in the upcoming Arab summit.

Shabana said that he wouldn’t cooperate with the “nominal” committee that was formed by Abbas to investigate the moral scandals that he tabled against Rafik Al-Husseini the director of Abbas’s office citing the presence of Azzam Al-Ahmad as a member of the committee although he (Al-Ahmad) was accused by Shabana of embezzling PA money.

“In the event a true and serious investigation isn’t carried out of what I have presented against the two PA officials I would be forced to drop a bombshell that would keep Abu Mazen (the alias of Abbas) in Ramallah city and would hinder his participation in the upcoming Arab summit” threatened Shabana in an interview with Al-Jazeera net.

He also underlined that he would hold a press conference at the beginning of next month that would really embarrass Abbas if the Fatah leader refused to act against the corrupt officials surrounding him.

Moreover Shabana rejected espionage treasons and forgery charges tabled against him by the “corrupt PA officials” adding that what he had revealed was only a “drop in the ocean” of the evidence he possessed.

“I have played a strong role in fighting drugs and drug traffickers and spying in many Palestinian cities in the West Bank and I still receive my salary till now and I have the payrolls to prove it” underlined Shabana who agreed to be hanged if the evidence he exposed to the public weren’t true.

Meanwhile PA security forces in the West Bank continued its campaign against Hamas supporters arresting three of them on Tuesday.

Two of the arrested Hamas sympathizers were identified as Ibrahim Dahmas an ex-prisoner in Abbas dungeons and Emad Mara’aba a student in Al-Najah University and a also a former detainee in Abbas jails. Both are from Qalqilia city.

In Jenin district Abbas’s militia kidnapped Mahmoud Qawasna a local preacher after they summoned him to their headquarters.

On the other hand the PA security forces released Fatah elements including Faris Abu Samra and Mohammed Odeh among others who were involved in shooting at the house of Hamas political leader MP Emad Nofal in Qalqilia last week without tabling any charges against them.

On Monday Abbas’s militia kidnapped five Hamas supporters in Ramallah city including two ex-prisoners in Israeli and Abbas jails.

The courts of Abbas in the West Bank have prosecuted 21 Hamas supporters over the past three weeks and charged them of “resisting the Israeli occupation”.

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