Thu 19-September-2024

Kamel Hawwash

The PA should bolster resistance against Israel

The English saying goes “once bitten twice shy”. A more damning Arabic saying roughly translates to “the mind of someone trying something (that has failed again) is surely ruined”.

Truss’s promise to consider moving the British Embassy to Jerusalem

The new British Prime Minister Liz Truss delivered a speech to the UN that continued to expose her hypocrisy when talking about freedom democracy sovereignty and British values to back-up her support for the Ukraine against Russia’s aggression and occupation while not referring to Palestine and Israel’s occupation and serial breaking of international law.

The Biden-Bennett battle of wills on the US Consulate in E. Jerusalem

Any hopes that the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu from power would bring us closer to a revitalized peace process or less oppression of the Palestinian people have been dashed.

The olive harvest in Palestine threatened by settler terror

Ask any Palestinian about their connection with Palestine wherever they live and the olive tree would figure prominently in what Palestine means to them.

Why does Israel refuse the ICC probe?

On 5 February Palestinians saw a long tunnel open and a light flicker in the distance for justice.

Increasing settler violence goes unchecked by Israel ‘Defense’ Forces

As I was reading an article headlined “Israel says 600 children given Covid jab had no serious side effects” my twitter feed was filled with messages expressing outrage about a video of some other children: Palestinian children.

Palestine’s electoral process threatens to shore up the status quo

By holding parliamentary elections first the Palestinian leadership aims to protect the PA and the Oslo paradigm.

It is time to make it official and brand Israel as an apartheid state

No one should throw accusations of racism around lightly because if proven then swift action must follow.

The deal of the century is unpalatable for both Israel and Palestine

As US President Donald Trump’s term nears its end his deal of the century to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has stuttered and is possibly defunct.

Victory over UK government marks a key step for Palestine activists

Supreme Court ruling was heartening but continued pressure is needed to quash the government’s anti-boycott efforts.

Israeli Apartheid

If any country which claims to be a democracy its potential prime minister declares that the votes of a significant minority are not part of the democratic ‘equation’ they would be rightly condemned as racists.

Palestinians will not sign

Considering the US administration’s bias towards Israel there is little hope for a genuine peace deal.

Israel won’t silence Tlaib Omar by banning them from entry

US Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar a thorn in the side of the American establishment and the pro-Israel lobby have been banned from entering Israel and Palestine.

Trump’s Administration will fail to break the Palestinians

Trump and Netanyahu are now brothers in arms in racism against the Palestinians.

While Razan lost her life Nikki Haley lost her humanity

On 1 June 2018 Razan lost her life while Nikki Haley lost her humanity defending the terrorist actions of a rogue state Israel.

The Middle East Quartet still includes the US

Since US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the subsequent decision to cut American funding to UNRWA and the Palestinian Authority the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah has announced formally and repeatedly that Washington cannot continue in its traditional role as the sole sponsor of the peace process.