Tue 2-July-2024

Joseph Massad

Cyprus: From early Zionist colony to military base for Israel’s war on Gaza

Today, as more and more countries are cutting off relations and imposing sanctions on Israel, Cypriot ties with Israel continue to strengthen.

Why Israel’s savagery is a sign of its impending defeat

The realization that the loss of settler-colonial power is at hand drives colonial forces to use the most barbaric methods to defeat the revolt of the indigenous people.

Israel’s mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza began seven decades ago

Israel’s ongoing genocidal assault on Palestinian civilians in Gaza is part of a long and brutal history that goes back to 1951.

Why Israel’s leaders call for ‘Second Nakba’

As Jewish Israelis lose their demographic majority terrified colonists seek means of maintaining supremacy.

Biblical Myths justifying conquest of Palestine belong in the dustbin

Zionist claims regards the colonization of Palestine have been comprehensively debunked but they are still deployed to convince Christians and liberals.

Israel’s terror campaign against Arab airports continues unabated

Country’s passion for bombing Arab civilian airports harks back to 1948. Its recent attack on Damascus International Airport carries on a bloody tradition.

Why Israel wants a state of permanent war

Despite being a nuclear menace and major aggressor in the Middle East region Israel still claims it is a victim of its neighbors.

Palestinians deserve reparations for Britain’s colonial crimes

A Palestinian billionaire is pushing the British government to apologize for the Balfour Declaration and its legacy but this would not come close to compensating for decades of Palestinian suffering.

Palestinians have indeed ‘missed an opportunity’

Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ is simply the latest version of the state of Israel’s colonial and racist demands.

The legal key to undoing the Zionist conquest

The Israeli conception of rights is not universal but always particular which is why Israel and the US are working to redefine who is and is not a refugee.

How Zionists use racial myths to deny Palestinians the right of return

Proponents of settler-colonialism argue that Palestinian natives of Palestine are foreigners in their own land.

Israel and the West: ‘Shared values’ of racism and settler-colonialism

While propping up an apartheid regime Western governments refuse to share the Palestinian people’s democratic goals.