Tue 2-July-2024

Iqbal Jassat

Global outrage is growing against Netanyahu’s genocide in Gaza

Gaza’s killing fields are now in the seventh month of the settler-colonial regime’s genocide, without any sign of a reprieve for the besieged territory’s millions of Palestinians.

An arms embargo on Israel is crucial if the ICJ genocide ruling is to be credible

Although dubbed as a mighty legal battle waged by South Africa at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel’s so-called “War on Hamas”, some apologists for the Zionist entity repeated ad nauseum that the case was a futile exercise and a waste of time.

South Africa’s ICJ case against Israel is a challenge to the West’s ‘rules-based order’

All eyes are fixed on the International Court of Justice (ICJ), as it begins its deliberations on whether or not South Africa’s application to halt Israel’s genocide in Gaza is compelling enough to succeed.

The Nakba’s 75th anniversary challenges the world

As most of the world recoils in horror at the latest demonstration of Israeli brutality and cold-blooded killings of Palestinians many people are asking when these Zionist-led pogroms will end.

Siege of Gaza: Will Suhaila’s Plea Fall on Deaf Ears?

The illusion created by Israel that since it evacuated troops and settlers from the Gaza Strip it no longer controls the territory was shattered once again.

Justice requires prosecution of South Africans serving in Israeli Army

With the global spotlight on Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine and dramatic pictures of civilians fleeing in droves to neighboring countries many across the world will be wondering how this tragedy will end if at all.

Israel’s observer status at the African Union is a major blunder

The mere thought of having a colonial enterprise enjoying red carpet treatment within an anticolonial setting beggars belief.

Has AU Declared War On Member States

In the midst of a full-blown controversy sparked by a decision to allow Israel “observer status” at the African Union it is crucial to note that the Zionist colonial settler regime hasn’t halted its violent plunder of Palestinian rights while relentlessly pushing ahead with illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Settlements are War Crimes

Michael Lynk UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) has made damning findings on Israel’s illegal settlements.

HRW Findings on Israel’s Apartheid Brings Justice For Palestinians

In a dramatic escalation representative of global outrage against Israel’s tsunami of crimes against Palestinians a new report has made scathing findings on them.

Lawfare Results in Resounding Victories for Palestinian Solidarity

2021 kicked off astoundingly well for South Africa’s broad-based Palestinian solidarity movements.

Rush to Judge BDS as Antisemitic is Naive

The haste to silence critiques of the apartheid regime of Israel and resort to scurrilous allegations of “antisemitism” comes ironically during the week when South Africa remembers the 43rd anniversary of Black Wednesday.

Israel is on edge as Floyd murder sparks global demands for justice

Does the current wave of protests across America sparked by the brutal murder of George Floyd by a white police officer present an existential threat to Israel? I hope so.

An Endorsement of Racist Bantustans

The entirely predictable expectation from US President Donald Trump to cuddle up to Israel’s rightwing lobby at a time he is faced with one of the severest challenges to his presidency: impeachment.

Will Netanyahu Face Punishment For War Crimes?

Has Netanyahu’s criminal conduct grown in leaps and bounds? It certainly has even though his coterie of fellow thugs and band of die-hard white supremacists deny it.

Tribunal’s Green Light Conflicts With Human Rights

Much to the disappointment of South Africa’s trade unions and human rights organizations the Competition Tribunal (CT) has ignored their objections by handing over a dairy company to an entity from apartheid Israel.