Fri 20-September-2024

Muhammad Hussein

Ties with Israel are forced back into the shadows

As protests erupted throughout the Libyan capital Tripoli and other cities in the country in response to the Foreign Minister’s secret meeting with her Israeli counterpart last week it served as a stark reminder of the rampant disconnect between the country’s political leaderships and the general population along with those of the wider Arab world.

Will Israel betray Pax Americana by striking Iran without permission?

The days of war between the Arab world and Israel are long gone.

UK government welcomes genocidal apartheid upholders

When hundreds of students at the University of Cambridge gathered on Tuesday to protest the Israeli ambassador to Britain Tzipi Hotovely’s speech at the Cambridge Union cutting it short and causing her to flee the grounds it became clear that her track record would not be forgotten any time soon.

Even love is forbidden under Israeli apartheid

Israel’s apartheid system directed at the Palestinians is well documented.

Could an international force really protect the Palestinians?

The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas has – despite Israeli forces sabotaging the peace with a raid on Al-Aqsa Mosque compound – held so far officially at least.

Remembering the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal

On this day (18th October) nine years ago the historic prisoner exchange deal between Israel and the Palestinian resistance group Hamas took place with its long-lasting effects still impacting on the present day.

Israel’s war against press freedom

Imagine your home being raided at pre-dawn hours by gun-wielding soldiers your laptop and devices which connect you to the world being confiscated your dignity stripped from you as you are arrested and taken to a prison to undergo “enhanced interrogation techniques”.