Wed 26-June-2024

Ibrahim Hewitt

Israeli threats should be treated with the contempt they deserve

It was no surprise to see that Israel has reportedly threatened Ireland, Spain and Norway with “consequences” for planning to recognize the State of Palestine.

The OIC wasting its time calling on the UN to curb Israeli excesses

It was both heartening and disappointing to read the latest statement from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Helping Palestinians in need is not terrorism

I know none of the details of the arrest of Palestinian Amin Abu Rashid and his daughter Israa in Holland recently.

Where have the defenders of Israeli democracy been hiding?

It is heartening to see so many Israelis taking to the streets to protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned judicial reforms which will basically give politicians the final say on many judicial issues.

Why are we surprised that Netanyahu courts right-wing extremists?

Why is anyone surprised that Israeli Prime Minister-in-waiting Benjamin Netanyahu has been courting right-wing extremists in his bid to cobble together a coalition government?

Israel’s violence is all about its brutal military occupation

Much is being made of the fact that the ongoing violence in occupied Palestine coincides with both the Jewish Passover and the Muslim month of Ramadan emphasized by the horrific images of Israeli paramilitary police firing tear gas and rubber bullets inside Al-Aqsa Mosque.