Sat 7-September-2024

Released Israeli captives lash out at Netanyahu, provide shocking testimonies

Thursday 7-December-2023

The Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth recently revealed in a report what it described as “shocking” testimonies given by the released prisoners from the Gaza Strip, confirming that the Netanyahu government had put their lives at risk without considering the extreme suffering they had endured due to this “recklessness with their lives” by their own government.

Several of the released prisoners criticized Netanyahu and his government sharply for their failure to achieve a deal for the release of all prisoners in an “everyone for everyone” exchange. They held him fully responsible for the lives of the remaining prisoners and the necessity of ensuring their safety and return to their homes, even if it meant stopping the war, far from Netanyahu’s political calculations and those of his ministers.

According to the testimonies reported by the newspaper, one of the released captives stated that the irony was that he was afraid of “being killed by Israel, not Hamas,” expressing his anger at the Israeli narrative that claims “Hamas is the one that killed the captives.”

In another shocking testimony, one of the released female prisoners, along with her children, confirmed the crime revealed by Israeli internal investigations, which indicate that the Israeli occupation’s aircraft had bombed the “Nature Party” and burned the participants with missiles. She said, “A helicopter fired at us when we were kidnapped and on our way to Gaza,” which confirms beyond any doubt the falseness of the accusations directed at the resistance of killing civilians, while the Israeli army was the one that had targeted civilians randomly without regard for their lives.

According to the report, the released prisoners confirmed that “an Israeli army helicopter fired at them” and they shouted at Netanyahu, saying, “Shame on you.”

The ex-prisoner expressed her anger at the Israeli government, especially since her husband remained a prisoner of Hamas, while she still felt that none of her government had done anything to help them.

She also revealed the truth about the intelligence failure that the Israeli army spokesperson had already admitted, confirming that the Israeli occupation government and its army claim to have intelligence information, while the truth is the opposite. She said, “But the truth is that we were being bombed there,” as she expressed it.

The ex-prisoner said, “My husband was separated from us three days before our return to Israel and was transferred to the tunnels,” expressing her disapproval for the plans of the Israeli army that “talk about flooding the tunnels with sea water.”

According to Yedioth’s report, one of the released prisoners revealed another shocking piece of information, confirming that the Israeli captives are roaming the streets, not just the tunnels, and they are being transported on donkeys and carts. He pointed out that the occupation will not be able to identify them, and their lives will be in danger. He demanded that the Israeli army immediately return them.

Demands to stop the ground operation
For its part, Israeli Channel 12 reported that “physical confrontations took place between the families of the captives due to different opinions within the families between those who support the continuation of the ground operation and the majority who demand its cessation.”

The Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth also mentioned that Netanyahu “refused to answer the questions of the families of the detainees in Gaza and insisted instead on reading from a written paper.”

According to one of the attendees, Netanyahu said, “It is not possible to release all the detainees now.”

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