Sun 8-September-2024

Hamad: Israeli army committed several field executions against entire families

Friday 22-December-2023


Ghazi Hamad, a senior leader in the Hamas Movement, said in a recorded statement on Thursday that the Israeli fascist army committed several field executions against entire families in the Gaza Strip during the 76-day aggression.

Following is the full text of Hamad’s statement:

“Over the past 76 days, the Palestinian people have been experiencing the horrors of the Israeli genocide war across the Gaza Strip, in addition to the daily aggression in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem by the Israeli occupation army and settlers, who are given a free hand to kill and damage Palestinian properties. Why is the international community silent while the Israeli occupation army continues to commit massacres on a daily basis, especially in the northern parts of the Gaza Strip?

In Gaza City, the Israeli fascist army committed several field executions against entire families. Eyewitnesses reported the dozens of Palestinians who were taken from their homes and executed in cold blood in front of their families. In the Jabalia refugee camp, Israeli warplanes continue to commit horrible war crimes by carpet bombing entire residential neighborhoods in the camp and killing dozens of people.

According to the latest figures, the death toll of Palestinians killed by Israeli aggression exceeded 20,000, in addition to more than 52,000 who were injured. These horrible figures include the deaths of more than 5,000 children, and more than 6,200 women, comprising over 70% of the deaths.

Under this genocide war on the Palestinian people, we in the Hamas resistance Movement stress the following: firstly, despite the unprecedented horror that our people are experiencing every minute in Gaza, the people’s morale is very high, they are steadfast on their land, and they will never surrender to the Israeli evil plans that aim to expel them from their homes and areas. Despite the image of heroism, we still remind the entire world that people are experiencing human suffering that is unprecedented in our modern times. The people in Gaza are on the verge of famine under the Israeli-tightened and suffocating siege.

As our victorious resistance in Gaza is inflicting every day heavy losses on the Israeli invading forces and vehicles, the Palestinian resistance is determined to continue the fight against the Israeli criminal army, which only succeeds in showing the entire world its level of savagery and thirst to kill.

As the United Nations Security Council yesterday postponed voting on the resolution that calls for the immediate ending of Israeli aggression, we hold the United States administration responsible for postponing the voting session aimed at giving the Israeli fascist entity time to kill more of our people in Gaza.

We have held our fair position; we will not hold any form of talks over prisoners’ exchange under the continuation of the Israeli genocide war. We are, however, open to any initiative that contributes to ending the aggression against our people.

Our Movement’s senior delegation is currently in Egypt to discuss the Israeli aggression on Gaza, efforts to end it, and to allow for humanitarian aid into Gaza as the quantities of aid that enter Gaza are very limited and do not reach all areas of Gaza.

The Hamas Movement strongly condemns the formation of a US-led part-time coalition in the Red Sea that only aims to back the Israeli genocide war against our people. We view this aggressive coalition as a further escalation that would not lead to de-escalation but further expansion of the conflict. Therefore, we call on all countries to distance themselves from such a suspicious coalition.

In this regard, we highly commend the courageous stance of our brothers in Yemen, standing with the Palestinian people and their resistance. We hail all resistance groups in Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria for their support of the Palestinian people.

We highly appreciate the Malaysian stance on preventing Israeli-flagged ships from using its seaports; it’s a courageous stance, and we urge all countries to announce similar positions as long as the Palestinian people are deprived of basic needs in Gaza. We continue to urge the international community and the United Nations not to give up their responsibilities in relieving the pain of the Palestinian people and in protecting them from the Israeli genocide war. It is the UN and the international community’s responsibility to prevent the Israeli occupation from continuing the mass killing and destruction of all aspects of life in Gaza.

Finally, we salute all the free people across the world. We appreciate their activism and rallies in support of the Palestinian people and their struggle for freedom. Glory and eternity to our martyrs, speedy recovery to the injured, and victory to our people.”

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