Thu 5-September-2024

Israeli jailers maltreat, beat Palestinian female detainees

Monday 1-January-2024


The Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs has affirmed that a number of Palestinian women, including prisoner Jenin Taha Omar, were exposed to abuse and severe beatings at the hands of Israeli jailers.

According to the Commission, a number of Israeli soldiers raided the house of 21-year-old Jenin Omar in al-Khalil City on the night of December 3, handcuffed and blindfolded her and then took her to a nearby army site, where she stayed until the morning before transferring her to Ofer jail.

“As soon as I arrived at Ofer jail, a soldier came and ordered me to lower my head, so I did, but he wanted me to lower it further before he suddenly dragged me down the stairs, banging my head all along until I reached the end of the stairs,” prisoner Jenin told a lawyer from the Commission.

“Then a female interrogator came and questioned me. After the interrogation finished, they transferred me to Hasharon prison, where female soldiers strip-searched me and other detained women and beat us violently with an object all over our bodies with no reason. Immediately after that, we were transferred to Damon jail,” she added.

Later, the Israeli occupation authority ordered the detention of Jenin administratively for four months, according to the Commission.

Regarding the incarceration conditions of the Palestinian women in Damon jail, the Commission affirmed that the female prisoners in the jail suffer from harsh treatment and are deprived of their basic needs, while their cells are raided on a daily basis.

The number of female prisoners in Ramon jail has climbed recently to 76 women, including 43 female prisoners from Gaza, 18 from the West Bank and the rest from Jerusalem and 1948 occupied Palestine.

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