Fri 4-October-2024

Fresh Israeli arrests throughout West Bank

Monday 8-January-2024


The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched a large raid and arrest campaign in several areas in the West Bank at dawn Monday, which led to the outbreak of violent clashes.

In Bethlehem, the IOF troops detained three Palestinians after breaking into their family houses in Husan town and sealing three commercial stores.

Another Palestinian was detained in the Dheisheh camp, southeast of Bethlehem, while several local houses were stormed.

Similar raids were reported in Al-Samou’, Yatta, Dura, and Beit Ummar towns, and Al-Arroub camp in al-Khalil.

Three more arrests were carried out in Qabalan town, south of Nablus. The IOF also turned a local house into a field investigation center.

Also in Nablus, three Palestinians were arrested early today, including two brothers, while violent clashes erupted in Beit Furik town after it was stormed by a large number of Israeli forces.

The IOF also broke into several houses in Anabta town, in Tulkarem.

In Ramallah, the IOF stormed Nabi Saleh and Al-Bireh towns and arrested two doctors and a nurse for allegedly being involved in a shooting operation.

In Occupied Jerusalem, Israeli police forces opened fire at parked Palestinian vehicles in Issawiya town.

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