Sat 5-October-2024

Hamas describes UN Security Council resolution against Ansar Allah as misleading, politicized

Thursday 11-January-2024

The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, has expressed its deep regret and denunciation of the United Nations Security Council’s resolution condemning the Ansar Allah (Hothis) in Yemen for preventing ships heading to Israel from crossing Bab el-Mandib strait.

The Houthis said that they will continue blocking those ships until food and medical supplies are allowed into besieged Gaza Strip and the policy of starvation being committed against children and civilians in the coastal enclave are stopped.

Hamas considered this resolution, supported by the US administration, to be politicized, misleading and deceptive to the public opinion, providing cover for the Nazi Israeli occupation to continue its aggression against the Palestinian people and commit further massacres and acts of genocide, for which it is being tried by the International Court of Justice.

Hamas said in a statement on Thursday that the presence of the occupation and its continued aggression against children and isolated civilians in the Gaza Strip is the real problem and threat to peace and security in the region. “The solution lies in ending the occupation, stopping its aggression and genocide, and enabling our people to determine their own destiny and achieve their aspirations for freedom, independence, and return,” it added.

The United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution condemning the attacks by the Houthi group on ships in the Red Sea and demanding the immediate cessation of these attacks. Moscow considered the resolution to be misleading. The United States and Japan drafted the resolution, which was adopted by the Council with the support of 11 members and 4 members abstaining.

The resolution calls on the Houthi group to immediately stop attacks that “impede international trade, undermine navigation rights and freedoms, as well as peace and security in the region.”

The Council also called on the Houthis to release the ship “Galaxy Leader,” owned by an Israeli businessman, and its crew, which the group detained on November 19.

In the first official Houthi response, Reuters quoted a spokesperson for the group as saying that the United Nations resolution regarding maritime security in the Red Sea is a political game and that the United States is the one violating international law.

In this context, the Russian representative to the Security Council, Vasily Nebenzya, said that the escalation in the Gaza Strip is the main reason for the current situation in the Red Sea. He pointed out that the situation in the Red Sea is worrisome, but the United States and its allies are trying to impose unilateral solutions.

He considered the Security Council resolution adopted on maritime security in the Red Sea to be misleading.

In solidarity with the Gaza Strip, which has been subjected to an Israeli war supported by the United States since October 7, the Yemeni armed forces fired missiles and drones targeting Israeli-owned or Israeli-operated cargo ships in the Red Sea transporting goods to and from Israel.

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