Sat 7-September-2024

IOF kidnaps several Palestinians during W. Bank raids

Tuesday 5-March-2024


The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnaped last night and at dawn Tuesday several Palestinian citizens and raided homes during campaigns in different West Bank areas.

According to local sources, the IOF stormed Kobar town in Ramallah and kidnaped a number of ex-detainees, including three women from the family of al-Barghouthi.

Four other ex-detainees were kidnaped during IOF raids on homes in Kobar town.

Israeli forces also raided homes and stores in al-Am’ari refugee camp in Ramallah and confiscated security camera recordings.

In Jenin, Israeli forces with bulldozers stormed Kafr Dan town, where they raided homes and clashed with local youths.

Resistance fighters reportedly exchanged fire with Israeli soldiers and detonated explosive devices at their vehicles in Kafr Dan.

During its raid in the town, the IOF bulldozed the house of Yehya Massad as a punitive measure after the Israeli army accused his son, Abdullah, of providing assistance for the resistance fighter who had carried out the Huwara operation that killed two Israelis last August.

In Nablus, the IOF kidnaped a young man from Madama village and carried out violent raids on homes in al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya town.

In Tulkarem, one young citizen was taken prisoner during an IOF raid in Kafr Jammal village.

In Qalqilya, the IOF kidnaped three young men during raids in different neighborhoods of the city before releasing one of them later.

In al-Khalil, Israeli forces kidnaped one young man after raiding his home in al-Fawwar camp.

In east Jerusalem, Israeli police forces stormed Qalandia refugee camp and kidnaped a number of young men following raids on homes.

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