Fri 6-September-2024

Europeans for Jerusalem: Israel is taking advantage of Gaza war to impose a new status quo in Jerusalem

Sunday 2-June-2024


The Europeans for Jerusalem Foundation said on Saturday that the Israeli occupation forces, police and settlers are taking advantage of the genocidal war on the Gaza Strip to escalate their violations in Occupied Jerusalem, enhance Judaization plans, and impose a new status quo in the city and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In a report on Israeli violations in Jerusalem during the month of May, the Foundation confirmed that the Israeli occupation police, and settlers committed 634 offensives distributed over 17 patterns of human rights violations, elaborating that the raids represented 44% of the violations, followed by arrests by 16.2%.

The report revealed that Israeli police in Occupied Jerusalem, ordered the UNRWA, on 30/5/2024, to evacuate its headquarters in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of the city within a month, under the pretext of unapproved use of land, as part of the Israeli attempts to terminate the United Nations Agency and accordingly put an end to the Palestinian refugees’ issue.

The Foundation pointed out that it documented 41 Israeli shootings and one direct assault in Occupied Jerusalem neighborhoods, resulting in the martyrdom of the boy Nour Nizar Shihabi, 17, and the injury of a woman and the suffocation of dozens of others, as well as the exposure of no less than 17 citizens to beating and abuse.

The report affirmed that Israeli occupation police persist in arresting Jerusalemites as a tool of punishment and intimidation based on no legal grounds, pointing out that it carried out 279 storming operations in the towns and neighborhoods of Jerusalem, during which 103 citizens were arrested, including 10 children and 5 women. About 17 citizens were also summoned to investigation and 9 others were issued home imprisonment notices.

On the level of home demolition, the report cited 32 demolitions, affecting 9 houses, the owners of 6 of which were forced to demolish them by themselves, and 23 different facilities in addition to many other notifications and demolition orders.

The Foundation pointed out in its report that Israeli settlers seized the property of 7 families after they had been forcibly displaced.

Israeli occupation authorities issued 3 orders and procedures serving the Israeli Judaization plans against the city, most notably the construction of Oz police station on Tel Al-Turmus, overlooking the Al-Aqsa Mosque, demolition notifications for expanding a settlement street on the road linking Jaba and Qalandia military checkpoints, and opening a settlement outpost on the village of Saraa, the Foundation added.

According to the report, 4,277 settlers and hundreds of other Israelis called “tourists” participated in the storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in May. Five other remarkable Israeli violations were monitored, most notably the escalated settler raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque and the extremist minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s storming of the Mosque.

The European Foundation for Jerusalem cited 8 deportation orders from the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the city of Jerusalem, adding that it has monitored 54 constant and makeshift barriers, 4 violations of the freedom of journalistic work, and 3 cases of collective punishment.

The Foundation called on the international community to shoulder its responsibility towards the city of Jerusalem and to protect its residents, who are languishing under occupation, in accordance with the resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly, especially that Jerusalem is under international guardianship, according to General Assembly Resolution 181.

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