Tue 2-July-2024

Hanini: The West Bank resistance will remain a nightmare haunting the occupation

Thursday 27-June-2024


Senior Hamas official Abdul-Hakim Hanini has said the operation that killed one Israeli soldier and injured several others in Jenin last night has vindicated further that the Palestinian people will remain adherent to the resistance option and will continue their struggle against the occupation.

In a statement on Thursday, Hanini applauded “the bravery of the resistance fighters from al-Qassam Brigades, al-Quds Brigades and all the armed groups in Jenin,” who inflicted heavy losses on the Israeli occupation forces and fought fierce clashes with them last night.

Hanini said that the resistance in Jenin sent a clear message to the Israeli army that its raids in the province would not be a joyride and that its forces would pay dearly for them.

The Hamas official affirmed that the resistance in the West Bank would remain a nightmare haunting the Israeli occupation and that all the attempts to eradicate it would not succeed, adding that there would be a painful response to every Israeli raid and crime in the West Bank.

One Israeli soldier was killed and 16 others were wounded when Palestinian resistance fighters detonated explosive devices at Israeli forces and armored vehicles in the northern West Bank’s Jenin refugee camp early on Thursday.

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