Tue 2-July-2024

Haneyya’s family, a model of the Israeli revenge against the resistance leaders

Thursday 27-June-2024


As with the rest of the people, the resistance leaders pay a heavy price due to the Israeli criminal policy that goes beyond the assassination of leaders to target and kill their families, in one of the most heinous forms of brutal retaliation.

The family of Hamas leader Ismail Haneyya is one of the families that have paid and continue to pay a heavy price for their steadfastness on the land on the one hand, and the price of the terror of the occupation that assassinates civilians to take revenge on their relatives who are resistance leaders, on the other hand.

On Tuesday morning (25/6/2024), the Haneyya family witnessed a new episode of Israel’s criminality, as its warplanes bombed the home of citizen Nahid Haneyya in the Shati refugee camp, where 10 martyrs were killed, including Hajjah Zahr Haneyya, the eldest sister of the head of the Hamas Political Bureau.

Despite the immense pain of the repeated loss of martyrs, Haneyya quickly said, “If the criminal enemy thinks that targeting my people and family will change our positions and our resistance, he is deluded, because every martyr in Gaza and Palestine is from my family.”

He added, “I can only convey this new galaxy of family martyrs, including my elder sister and her family.”

He stressed that the “blood of the martyrs demands that we do not compromise, do not make concessions, do not change, do not weaken, and do not despair, but continue our path with full determination.”

This is not the first time Israel has targeted the Haneyya family, as a large number of the family have previously been martyred, including 21 members of the family, including some of his sons and grandchildren.

Haneyya had previously indicated when his sons were martyred that the blood of the leaders’ families and their children is not more precious than the blood of the children of Palestine and Gaza.

Congratulations to the Haneyya family

Social media activists mourned the passing of Um Nahid Haneyya, considering her a symbol of steadfastness and sacrifice like the sons of Gaza, praying for mercy and forgiveness for her, and for the leader Ismail Haneyya and his family, patience, solace, and reward for the great sacrifices they make for the sake of Allah and in support of the central cause of the nation. They offered congratulations to the Haneyya family on their martyrs and sacrifices, which will be a light and fire on the path to victory in the battle of the Al-Aqsa Flood.

Sarah, the daughter of leader Ismail Haneyya, said in a post, “We mourn my beloved aunt, our second mother, the sister of my father, Um Nahid Haneyya, and her son Abu Ghazi, and his wife and children, after they were targeted in the Al-Shati refugee camp, joining the martyr Adel Haneyya, the son of my beloved martyred aunt.”

Sacrifices before the dawn

As for the writer Ibrahim Al-Madhoun, he said in a post, “I offer my sincere condolences and sympathy to the leader of Hamas Movement on the martyrdom of a new group of his family due to the targeting of the Israeli occupation army of the house of Ismail Haneyya’s cousin, Abu Ghazi Haneyya, in the Al-Shati refugee camp.”

Al-Madhoun added, “And at this difficult time, when our people are making sacrifices from the core of their hearts and from the best of families with pride and defiance, and Abu Al-Abed Haneyya presents his family, sons, and grandchildren as martyrs with steadfastness and confidence, in the midst of the great sacrifices of our people and in the midst of the criminality and brutality of the enemy, we realize that we are going through a very difficult, very delicate and very painful stage, but it is similar to the stage before the dawn.”

As for Jihad Hillis, he mourned in a post, “The martyrdom of the martyr Zaha Abdel Salam Haneyya (Um Nahid), the sister of the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haneyya, along with nine of her steadfast sons and family in the bombing of their home this morning in the Al-Shati refugee camp in the Gaza Strip.”

The former Kuwaiti MP Nasser Al-Duwailah wrote in a post, “Before Netanyahu declares his defeat in Gaza, he sought revenge on the family of brother Ismail Haneyya by bombing the home of his sister, which led to her martyrdom along with a number of her family in the Al-Shati refugee camp.”

He added, “Our condolences to all the people of Gaza for their losses and to brother Ismail Haneyya for the martyrdom of his sister and a number of members of their noble family.”

A new blow to the Arab Zionists

The journalist Turki Al-Shalhoub said, “Zahr Abdul Salam Haneyya, sister of the political bureau chief of Hamas Movement Ismail Haneyya, was martyred along with 9 members of her family in the bombing of their home in Gaza.” Al-Shalhoub added, “The Arab Zionists claimed that Hamas leaders fled with their families and left the people of Gaza to their fate.”

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