Fri 11-October-2024

Resheq: Rejecting the establishment of Palestinian state confirms the validity of resistance

Thursday 18-July-2024


Member of Hamas’s political bureau Ezzat Al-Resheq said on Thursday the Israeli Knesset’s passing of a resolution that rejects the establishment of a Palestinian state is invalid and worthless, stressing that the Palestinian people will continue resistance until all of national rights are regained.

Resheq added in a press release that “the Zionist decision confirms the validity of resistance and confrontation of this arrogant occupier, and that resistance is the only way to defeat the occupation.”

The Hamas official called on the leadership of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to “withdraw its recognition of Israel, and to engage in the battle of our people to liberate the Palestinian land and the sanctities and to establish the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.”

On Wednesday evening, the Israeli Knesset passed, for the first time in its history, a resolution that rejects the establishment of a Palestinian state.

It was supported by 68 members, including the leader of the Israeli National Unity Party, Benny Gantz, and his party’s deputies, while only nine members opposed it.

According to Israeli media, parties in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition and right-wing parties also supported the resolution, while representatives from the Yesh Atid (There is a Future) party led by Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid left the session to avoid supporting it.

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