Sat 21-September-2024

Euro-Med condemns new Israeli massacre against displaced families in Gaza

Saturday 21-September-2024


The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has condemned the Israeli aerial attack on a school sheltering displaced families on Saturday morning, describing it as another “war crime.”

“The Israeli airstrike on Saturday morning on another school sheltering displaced people in az-Zeitoun neighborhood in the south of Gaza City — killing over 20 Palestinians at once, mostly children and women — is a new crime added to the list of war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza Strip,” Euro-Med said in a statement.

Euro-Med explained that one of its field teams visited the bombed school immediately following the Israeli attack and it did not see any presence of armed personnel or equipment in its premises.

The casualties are all civilians, mostly women and children, which refutes the Israeli army’s claim that it had targeted a school used as a military command and control center by armed groups, according to the Euro-Med team who visited the shelter center.

Euro-Med accused the Israeli army of repeating such a claim against Gaza schools that are used as shelter centers for displaced people every time it bombs them, pointing out that since the war started, the army had bombed 21 schools, including eight since early September.

Euro-Med also accused the Israeli army of deliberately destroying shelter centers in Gaza with the aim of creating coercive environment that forces civilians to leave their areas of residence.

Euro-Med called on the international community to shoulder its responsibility towards Gaza and work on protecting its people against the genocide and serious crimes committed by Israel against them.

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