Sat 26-October-2024

Why do I stand with the Palestinian people?

Saturday 26-October-2024

By Adam Adel

Some may wonder, across various realms with diverse sources of information, cultural and intellectual backgrounds, why I stand with the Palestinian people. Who drives me to do so? Today, I do not wish to discuss history or geography but rather to focus on a simple idea that relates to our shared humanity.

I stand with the Palestinian people, my friends, because I stand with myself, with my conscience, and with the principles I was raised upon. I cannot be at peace with myself if I ignore the principles of freedom and justice that I believe in. Standing with the Palestinian people is a commitment born from a rejection of oppression and encroachment on others’ rights, which is a core part of my human identity.

I stand with the Palestinian people for the sake of my children and their future. I want them to live in a world of peace, a world free from injustice and aggression. Allowing the continuation of occupation and oppression in Palestine perpetuates a culture of injustice worldwide. Justice for the Palestinians is not a local issue; it is an issue that affects the entire world, including the future of our coming generations.

I stand with them because I believe in the necessity of ending colonialism and colonial powers. Human history is filled with conflicts resulting from colonialism and tyranny. We must put an end to this tyrannical colonial system that robs lands and rights, creating environments of servitude and domination. The Israeli occupation of Palestine is one of the last remnants of colonialism in the modern era, and its continuation means the persistence of arrogance on Earth.

I also stand with the Palestinian people to put an end to modern slavery. Colonialism is not merely about occupying land but is also a form of collective enslavement. It imposes control over the lives and resources of people, making them hostages to external powers. Standing with the Palestinians is a stand against this system and against all who seek subjugation and oppression.

I stand against global arrogance. Today, there are powers attempting to impose their will on oppressed nations, using money, politics, and military influence. The Palestinian cause challenges this arrogance by defying the mighty force that supports and fuels the occupation.

Because I believe in the rights of the poor and deprived across the world, I stand with the Palestinian people. Their cause symbolizes the suffering of oppressed people everywhere. They live in refugee camps, facing homelessness and deprivation wherever they go. Supporting them is support for all the poor and displaced around the world whose rights are stolen, and lives dismantled due to unjust policies.

I also stand with them to halt the spread of brutal capitalism, which exploits people mercilessly. The Israeli occupation is part of a larger system seeking its interests at the expense of weak nations. This capitalist system doesn’t stop at the borders of Palestine; it extends to all people of the world, and we must confront it.

I stand with the Palestinian people because I reject corruption and those who spread it. The system that fuels the occupation is the same one that fosters corruption and injustice worldwide. Supporting Palestinians is part of a broader struggle against those who steal people’s rights and destroy their lives.

I stand with the Palestinian people to counter Zionist extremism, including religious Zionism, which despises humanity and believes in racial superiority, granting them the right to control others. This kind of extremism fuels the occupation, justifying oppression and attacks on Palestinians based on an extremist ideology that denies human equality, even scorns others, and does not see them as equals. Religious Zionism aims to establish the idea of superiority over others, contributing to global instability and insecurity. Standing with the Palestinians is a stand against this extremism, which poses a threat not only to Palestinians but to humanity as a whole, as it promotes the destructive notion that some humans are superior to others.

I stand with the Palestinian people in opposition to the double standards practiced by those hiding behind the cloak of civilization. These individuals claim that civilization is only reflected in advanced technology, in the ability to kill more “efficiently,” and in using public relations to glamorize crime and manipulate language to deceive the world. True civilization is not solely in technological advancement but in values of justice, humanity, and mutual respect among humans. Those who overlook the injustice faced by Palestinians or support it in any form contribute to distorting these noble values, using civilization’s progress to justify aggression and crime.

I also stand with the Palestinian people against those who buy media outlets and stations, hiring journalists and activists to falsify facts and distort history. These people use their financial influence to produce misleading narratives that serve their interests, turning victims into perpetrators and framing occupation as self-defense. They strive to mislead the public and obscure the truth about Palestinian resistance, attempting to erase the crimes and violations against the Palestinian people. Standing with Palestine is a confrontation with this media manipulation and alignment with truth and justice despite all attempts at deception.

Standing with the Palestinian people, my friend, is not merely a political or humanitarian stance; it is an expression of the values and principles I believe in. It is my stand for truth, for justice, and for humanity.

-Adam Adel is a writer and political analyst.

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