Mon 8-July-2024

IOF troops murder Palestinian minor by wounding then leaving him bleed to death

Sunday 22-April-2007

RAMALLAH (PIC)– IOF troops have shot and wounded on Sunday morning Palestinian minor Kareem Salem Zahran 15 and left him to bleed to death Palestinian sources affirmed.

The sources and eyewitnesses affirmed that large numbers of IOF troops backed with a number of military vehicles stormed that West Bank village of Dier Abu Mishaal west of Ramallah city at the first hours of Sunday morning opening their machinegun fire on Palestinian minors in a frenzied manner.

Fierce clashes erupted in the village between the IOF troops on the one hand and stone-throwing Palestinian youth on the other hand before Zahran was wounded in the abdomen.

In spite of his intense bleeding the Israeli occupation soldiers denied Palestinian ambulances access to Zahran and watched him bleeding till he succumbed to his wounds.

The boy was the ninth Palestinian fatality in the West Bank since Saturday morning as IOF troops earlier gunned down eight Palestinian citizens in Nablus and Jenin cities including 17-year-old schoolgirl Bushra Bargheesh in Jenin refugee camp among other martyrs.

The IOF massacres in Jenin and Nablus over the past 24 hours drew wide condemnation in the Palestinian street and prompted Palestinian resistance factions including Hamas among other factions to gear up for the next round of confrontations with the IOF troops.

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