Sat 12-October-2024

No forgiveness for Jewish Nazism

Wednesday 6-August-2014

I will no longer be using euphemistic language in reference to Jewish Nazism especially in light of the latest Dresden-like bombing of Gaza by the Judeo-Nazi state also known as Israel.
The pornographic death and destruction inflicted by the Judeo-Nazi state on the innocent population of Gaza must be treated as a watershed. It is the Auschwitz Mauthauzen and Dachau of Palestine. The victims are the helpless children and women of Palestine. And the perpetrators are the Nazi-minded Jews who wanted to avenge the German-perpetrated holocaust in the course of the Second World War.
From now on I will not listen to anyone preaching about peace with the Judeo-Nazi state. In the final analysis peace with Israel would be very much like peace with Hitler if only because Hitlerian Nazism and Jewish Nazism are carbon copies of each other.
At the end of the day no person with an iota of common sense would seek safety in a hole where venomous snakes live. The same logic applies to the Judeo-Nazi state whose inhabitants gleefully celebrate the mass murder of children and breast-feeding mothers as a national victory.
Therefore we Palestinians must mobilize the entire international community to boycott the Judeo-Nazi state at all levels. We owe it to the victims of Jewish Nazism in Gaza and elsewhere to desist from erstwhile naïve behavior of trying to build bridges with the Nazis of our time. Bridges can’t be built with those calling for our destruction and extermination. Thinking otherwise would be infinitely stupid self-defeating and disastrous.
We must also mobilize Muslim communities everywhere to treat Judeo-Nazis in a way befitting their nefarious ideology and evil behavior. After all these are the murderers of our children.
We must abandon once and for all any propensity to be nice where being nice is interpreted as weakness and cowardice.
Please no more efforts to normalize with the murderers of our kids. No more inter-religious encounters no more friendly soccer matches and no more courtesy calls. We must never allow the evil Judeo Nazis to beguile us into dancing in our children’s funerals.
This is the message we need to communicate to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and its often obsequious officials who have repeatedly displayed eagerness to normalize with the murderers of our children.
Yes there must be no more betrayal of our children’s blood spilled knowingly and deliberately by the very people our generosity has often been meted out to them.
We don’t want to see these Judeo-Nazi killers in our cities or villages or convention centers. Period.
I am not suggesting violence against anyone although violence is going to be an inevitable reaction to the Judeo-Nazi rampage of death and terror against our people.
However we must always maintain the psychological barrier between us and them.
Let the world including the West level all sorts of accusations against us. Let them call us anti-Semites and all other epithets. A world which stood utterly silent while our children and women were being slaughtered on a daily basis for nearly thirty days obviously doesn’t deserve respect.
This world has been and is effectively accomplice to Judeo-Nazi efforts to exterminate our people in order to build an ethnically pure society following the Nazi style.
The Judeo-Nazi blitz against our people should have decimated all doubts as to who are our real friends and our real enemies. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. We must not be fooled again.
We must never forget that the whoring Arab regimes around occupied Palestine have been instrumental in enabling the Judeo-Nazi state to murder our people and destroy our towns.
At the top of these whoring regimes is the criminal regime in Cairo headed by Charlatan General Abdul Fattah al Sissi who has morphed Egypt from a country with the weight of 90 million people to a country with the weight of a dwarf.
The same thing applies to Saudi Arabia who has utterly failed to utilize its financial and other resources to support the Palestinian people leaving Gazans totally vulnerable to the wrath of Jewish Nazism.
Other silent dwarfs in various Arab capitals deserve a similar condemnation.
At the same time every Palestinian must thank Turkey for its moral solidarity with our people. We must also convey our deepest thanks to the governments and peoples of South America especially states that have withdrawn their ambassadors from the Judeo-Nazi state in protest against the Judeo-Nazi blitzkrieg against Gaza.

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