Sat 14-September-2024

1000 sick prisoner facing slow death in Occupation Prisons

Wednesday 18-April-2007

The Ministry of Detainees’ Affairs (MDA) announced that there are over 1000 sick prisoners facing slow death daily due to systematic neglect of health care by the Zionist Administration. 

In its report the MDA pointed out that most Palestinian Detainees are facing deteriorating health conditions due to the bad conditions they live in prison. During interrogation they are kept in small unhealthy cells tortured beaten and put under physical and psychological pressures. All this is causing negative effects on their health status.

The report made it clear that the cells are mostly overcrowded with detainees and lack the basics of living and health. There are not enough sheets ventilation or baths. Furthermore the food is of bad quality and quantity; and there is a severe lack of washing materials making them more vulnerable to illnesses and infections.

Several prisoners revealed how the Zionist Administration prohibits sick prisoners from receiving medical treatment. In all cases all that is offered is either pain killers or are advised to drink a lot of water even when prisoners are in desperate need of an operation.

Forms of medical neglect
The report of the MDA enumerated various forms of medical neglect the Palestinian captives have to endure in Israeli occupation jails:

  • Persistent medical neglect delay in providing treatment and denying seriously sick prisoners to undergo surgical operations. At the end several prisoners were sent to hospital after strong protest from their colleagues.
  • Denial of the needed medical treatment as the particular case requires. The prison’s physician is the only doctor prisoners can consult and he usually treats every illness with “Acamol” tablets or a glass of water.
  • The unavailability of specialized opticians dentists ENT physicians etc…
  • The unavailability of night-shift physicians for emergencies.
  • The unavailability of psychologists for the special cases of traumatic stress disorders caused by the bad imprisonment conditions.
  • The unavailability of medical equipments for those with special needs such as artificial limbs spectacles breathing devices and inhalers for those suffering asthma or tracheitis.
  • The denial of special diets to prisoners suffering from special medical disorders e.g. diabetes high blood pressure heart diseases etc… sometimes prisoners are offered rotten food which leads to poisoning.
  • The unavailability of single cells for prisoners with contagious diseases such as; enteritis and scabies. Since the cells are overcrowded with detainees the diseases are most likely to spread quickly.
  • The unavailability of special cells for detainees with special psychological problems who are likely to endanger the lives of their colleagues.
  • Prisoners with critical health problems are transferred to hospitals handcuffed and feet tied in a non-ventilated truck instead of being transferred in an ambulance.
  • Prisoners with critical health problems are denied their medicines as a way of punishment.
  • Treatment is carried out from behind the bars and diagnosis is done with mere looking at the patients without even touching them.
  • Lack of ventilation humidity over-crowdedness lack of general hygienic means and pesticides.
  • Violence and torture practiced against detainees which increases their suffering.
  • Psychological punishment such as the denial of visit permissions night interrogation isolation and forcing them to take all their clothes off which aggravates the prisoners’ psychological conditions.
  • Women prisoners suffer from lack of gynaecologists although there are several pregnant prisoners who need special health care.
  • Forcing pregnant women to give birth handcuffed with out giving any attention to labour pains. This incident occurred with ‘Manal Ghanam’ from Nablus who gave birth to ‘Nour’ in prison and ‘Khaola Zaitaoi’ from Jamaeen imprisoned at ‘Talmond’ prision with her child ‘Ghada’ and ‘Samar Sabaih’ and her son ‘Barau’ from Tulkarem.
  • Expired medicines are given to prisoners as in the case of Dr. Aziz Dwaik in Megiddo Prison and who is suffering several critical illnesses. He was given an expired medicine and when he asked the doctor he told him: “We don’t look at the date”.
  • Exploiting the health conditions of the sick and wounded denying them medical treatment and exposing them to unhealthy conditions all of which leads to worsening their health status.
These are just some of the means used to force many detainees to confess during interrogation as in the case of ‘Rabieu Harb’.

Detainees’ illness

The report pointed out that detainees suffer a range of  illnesses including: cancer kidney failure and heart diseases rheumatisms blood pressure diabetes bad eye sights stomach lungs and skin diseases; urinary and digestive diseases.  More than 150 prisoners suffer serious illnesses including cardiac diseases diabetes cancer kidney and paralysis and tens of other prisoners that have suffered critically as a result of detention and severe torture.

Critical cases

Several reports and witnesses also mentioned that there are 25 seriously critical cases of cancer and other diseases. There are prisoners such as Bashar Salhat who is facing slow death in bed as a result of cancer and Salem Asahaer who is suffering from lung cancer. . There are prisoners who need urgent kidney transplantation including Ahmad Atamimi who is suffering from kidney failure and is serving 23 years in prison. Also among the critical situations according to the report is the case of Professor Issam Alashqar from Najah University. His health situation is worsening after being sent from Arramla Prison to Megiddo Prison. He is suffering high blood pressure which is endangering his life. Dr. Muhamad Ghazal is suffering from weakening eye sight and a gristle in his foot. He is one of the academics that were detained during the last run up to the Palestinian legislative elections in addition to each of; Fahad Kanan from Tulkarem who is suffering from a kidney disease Mutaz Basharat from Tobas who is suffering from stomach diseases and is serving at Negev prison.  According to the report the cases are far too many to include but these were just an example.

Victims of medical neglect

As a result of health neglect and lack of health services in occupation prison a number of detainees died including:

  • Waleed Muhamad Issa 24 years from Dura in al-Khalil who died on 19-2-2003 in Nafha Dessert Prison after suffering from a chest stroke and denied treatment.
  • Basheer Awaid 27 years from Balata Refugee Camp near Nablus who died on 16-9-2004 at Megiddo Prison after suffering a brain stroke and was only injected with sedative after his health deteriorated.
  • Hassan Abdel Salam Jawabra 21 years from al-Aroub Camp who died on 28-5-2005 at Megiddo Prison after suffering from a severe case of depression as a result of torture during interrogation.
  • Anas Kamel Mustafa Masalma 18 years from Dura near al-Khalil who died on 9-3-2003 at Askalan Prison who suffered from critical gun shot wounds but was denied treatment.
  • Muhamad Hasan Abo Hadoan 65 years from Shafat near Jerusalem who died on 4-11-2004 at Ramla Hospital after serving 19 years in Prison. He suffered from heart diseases.
  • Fawaz Saeed Hassan 27 years from Tulkarem who died on 16-9-2004 at Megiddo Prison from a heart attack.
  • Abdel Fatah Yussef Radad 25 years from Tulkarem who died on 5-5-2005 at Ramla Prison after being brutally interrogated.
  • Rasem Suliman Ghanimat 27 years from Ramallah who died on 27-1-2005 when a fire started at Megiddo Prison.
  • Ali Muhamad  Tawfik Abo Arab 20 years from Jenin who died on 10-6-2005 at “Rosh Bina” Prison as a result of severe torture. He was found hanging in his cells. Examination concluded that he suffered from head injuries.
  • Bashar Aref Bani Awda 27 years from Tamoon near Tobas who died 23-06-2005 after suffering a heart attack at Jalbou Prison.
  • Jamal Asarahin 37 years from al-Khalil martyred on 16-1-2007 after being denied permission from Negev Prison Authorities to be transferred to a hospital.

The Role of Human Right Organizations

The report calls on all Human Right and Health Organizations in general and on the United Nations the Red Cross Medicins Sans Frontiers Amnesty International and Human Right Watch in particular to put pressure on the Zionist Government and demand them to adhere to the 4th Geneva Convention that entitles prisoners to full health care and safeguarding their lives.

The report also called on these organizations to send medical representatives to follow-up the critical health conditions and take needed actions. They also called on them to send regular delegates to record the critical health situation in prisons recommend the release of detainees suffering critical health conditios and work quickly to provide the needed medical tools and treatments.

According to international conventions and Agreements violated by Prison Authorities it is a Human Right base to provide needed health and medical care for the Palestinian and Arab detainees.

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