Fri 20-September-2024

International welcome to PA unity government Israel worried

Saturday 17-March-2007

BRUSSELS (PIC)– Russia among many other countries welcomed the formation of the first PA unity government and attached hopes that this government would be able to bridle security mess in the Palestinian arena.

Spokesman of the Russian government Michael Caminen described the formation of the PA unity government as an “Important step towards uniting the Palestinian people”.

He also expressed hopes that the unity government will help in achieving lasting peace and stability in the region based on justice and to curb on security mess in the PA-run lands.

Ban Ki-Moon the UN secretary-general welcomed the formation of the PA unity government and said that he was looking forward to be acquainted with the political program of that government.

France also sent signs of acceptance to the PA unity government as it officially invited new foreign affairs minister Dr. Ziyad Abu Amre to Paris but no date for that visit has been specified yet.

In this regard French foreign affairs minister Philip Doust-Blazy confirmed his country’s full support to the Makkah accord between Fatah and Hamas movements that furnished the way before formation of the unity government expressing hopes that the new government would help “turn a new page between the international community and the Palestinians”.

In Brussels diplomatic sources affirmed that the EU was seriously mulling lifting the economic siege on the Palestinian people and to start transferring financial assistance to the PA unity government.

But the Israeli occupation government wasn’t able to hide its anxiety over a possible EU full recognition of the PA unity government and of resuming financial assistance to it.

The Hebrew radio quoted Israeli minister Yaakov Edri as saying that the Israeli occupation government will do all it could in order to block transferring money sums to the Palestinians.

Meanwhile the Israeli foreign ministry expressed dissatisfaction over the political program of the PA unity government for championing the right of return (RoR) of the Palestinian refugees to their homeland.

According to the Israeli allegations the RoR wasn’t included in the Makkah accord and thus the political program of the PA unity government “violated the accord” charging that Hamas Movement has left its strong marks on the political program of the unity government.

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