Sat 14-September-2024

Mishaal asks world community to lift the siege visits Russia Monday

Saturday 24-February-2007

CAIRO (PIC)– Khaled Mishaal the political bureau chairman of the Hamas Movement has called on the world community to lift the siege imposed on the Palestinian people after pointing to an improvement in world stand regarding the Palestine cause.

Speaking at a press conference in the Egyptian capital on Friday he affirmed that the Makkah agreement signed by Hamas and Fatah movements under Saudi patronage had led to positive international progress in dealing with the Palestine cause.

He noted that a number of European countries were contacting Palestinian officials expressing readiness to resume assistance to the Palestinians which practically ends the almost year-long siege.

The Hamas top leader urged the USA to reconsider its position and to amend its mistakes committed against the Palestinian people.

“The Palestinian people are now united and are backed by a united Arab stand” Mishaal asserted and called on all parties to respect Palestinian legitimacy.

Mishaal visits Moscow on Monday:
Meanwhile Russia extended an official invitation to the Hamas leadership to visit Moscow only one day after the international quartet committee’s meeting during which Russia asked for ending the siege on the Palestinian people.

The Russian foreign ministry said that a Hamas delegation headed by Mishaal would arrive in Moscow on Monday 26/2/2007 which would be the second of its kind after Hamas won the Palestinian legislative elections in January 2006. The first visit took place on 3/3/2006.

The ministry statement said that the discussions with Hamas leaders would focus on means of stabilizing conditions in the Palestinian lands.

Mousa Abu Marzouk the deputy political bureau chairman of Hamas told PIC on Thursday after arrival in Cairo that the Hamas delegation would visit Egypt and the Sudan within a tour of Arab Islamic and foreign countries to brief their leaders on the Makkah agreement and the unity government in addition to means of boosting Palestinian steadfastness and breaking the siege.

He described the Russian stance as “positive” hoping that the quartet committee would adopt the Russian stance in its next meeting.

Mishaal met in Cairo with Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Abul Ghait and Arab League secretary general Amre Mousa.

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