Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli parliament discusses outlawing Islamic Movement

Tuesday 20-February-2007

NAZARETH (PIC)– The Israeli parliament is to discuss a draft law outlawing the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in the 1948 occupied lands led by Sheikh Raed Salah the Hebrew radio reported on Tuesday.

The broadcast said that the draft was tabled by the Likud MP Yisrael Katz and quoted him as saying that the Islamic Movement is pursuing a “hostile course against Israel and is anti-Semite”.

The draft if passed would end all the Movement’s activities including its role in exposing the real purpose of the Israeli excavations at the Aqsa Mosque.

Talab Al-Sane the Arab MP in the Israeli parliament described the draft law as “racist” and would outlaw a large section of the Arab masses.

Jewish groups and Israeli officials had called for the arrest and the banishment of Sheikh Salah following his campaign against the excavations at the Magharba gate.

They charged the Sheikh with incitement and with causing tensions in Israel’s relations with a number of Arab and Islamic countries that maintain diplomatic ties with the Hebrew state.

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