Fri 20-September-2024

PSL asks Abbas not to meet Olmert Rice

Sunday 18-February-2007

GAZA (PIC)– The Palestine Scholars League (PSL) on Sunday asked PA chief Mahmoud Abbas not to meet Israeli premier Ehud Olmert and American secretary of state Condoleezza Rice as scheduled on Monday.

The PSL in a statement said that the Palestinian street never sensed any positive change after any of those meetings but rather witnessed attempts to cover up for Israeli aggressions.

It described such meetings as “futile” and a mere “waste of time” other than giving legitimacy to Israeli aggressions.

The League asked the Muslim world to act in support of the Aqsa Mosque before it was too late and questioned whether the Israeli excavations at the Aqsa would be raised during the tripartite meeting and whether lifting the “oppressive siege” on the Palestinian people would be discussed.

For its part the Islamic Jihad Movement opined that the meeting would only lead to more pressures on the Palestinians.

The Hebrew radio revealed on Sunday that Olmert had agreed with US president George Bush to boycott the Palestinian national unity government unless it declared abidance by the international quartet committee’s conditions which includes recognizing Israel and all agreements signed with it in addition to shunning violence (resistance).

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