Sun 6-October-2024

Continuing PA incitement against Hamas amounts to national treachery

Tuesday 7-July-2015

It seems the weak Palestinian Authority (PA) regime which is always at Israel’s beck and call doesn’t content itself with serving Israel’s interests through the manifestly scandalous function of “security coordination” with the Palestinian people’s enemy tormentor and grave-digger.

In fact the Ramallah-based government which operates under the umbrella of the Israeli military occupation is shamelessly selling its “services” to every tyrannical and repressive regime in the Arab world.

As we all know the PA regime has been closely cooperating with criminal Arab rulers from Bahrain to Casablanca in order to receive a certificate of good conduct from these despots who usurped power repressed humiliated and murdered their respective citizens in order to remain in power for ever.

Betraying the enduring Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation and terror the PA viewed these terrorist regimes as natural allies against Islamic forces.

Needless to say this stupid and manifestly treacherous policy has immensely harmed the just cause of the Palestinian people namely the enduring struggle to free Palestine from the clutches of Israeli occupation and fascism.

Moreover as a result of close PA cooperation and collaboration with unpopular Arab regimes in countries such as Egypt and Syria it was noticed that many Arabs especially those tormented by their criminal regimes began distancing themselves from the Palestinian cause the central cause of Arabs and Muslims around the world.

In Syria Palestinian refugees were and are still exposed to casual death and harm due to ignominious PLO backing of the Nazi-like regime in Damascus which has been waging an effective holocaust against the Syrian people.

Needless to say thousands of innocent Palestinians have been killed and maimed as a direct result of PA-PLO stupidity. Tens of thousands have also been forced to leave their bombed-out refugee camps especially at the Yarmouk refugee camp near Damascus.

It is now feared that the sectarian violence will reach Palestinian refugees in Lebanon where the Iranian-backed Hizbullah which is closely allied with the Assad regime holds sway.

Inciting the Sissi Junta against Hamas

The latest act of treachery on the PLO-PA’s part is the brazen incitement by PA foreign minister Riyad al Maleki against Hamas the Palestinian liberation movement which last year fought a 51-day internecine war with American-backed Israel while the PA was praying hard to see the Israeli army overrun Gaza murder Hamas’s leaders and return Gaza to PLO kleptocracy on a silver platter.

In a recent statement al-Maleki reportedly claimed that the Ramallah regime had credible proofs implicating Hamas in the latest military showdown between the Sissi regime and its opponents in Sinai.

Predictably al-Maleki gave no proof corroborating his allegations which proves the spurious and mendacious nature of these allegations.

It is of course very easy to refute al-Maleki’s accusations. After all the recent attacks on Egyptian security targets in Sinai were claimed by IS an avowed opponent of Hamas.

Indeed IS recently bluntly threatened Hamas lumping the Palestinian Islamic liberation group in one basket with Israel which really raise a big question mark over the validity of al-Maleki’s remarks?

The ostensible total falsehood of al-Maleki’s remarks has also been illustrated by the Egyptian regime’s reluctance to direct any accusations toward Hamas as to its alleged involvement in the latest events in Sinai.

Finally it is very very hard to cite a single logical reason that would prompt Hamas to get involved in the Egyptian quagmire especially at this point as such an involvement would give the anti-Islamic Cairo junta an excuse to further tighten its already hermetic blockade of some two million Gazans languishing under an enduring Nazi-like siege imposed by Israel.

Hence the question: What does the Ramallah regime really want to see the Sissi junta do to Gaza and its long-tormented but steadfast citizens? Bomb Gaza to smithereens as the Egyptian army has been doing to many Egyptian homes on the Egyptian side of the border? Or slaughter and maim thousands of Gazans in order to vent the regime’s frustration over its clarion failure to defeat the growing insurgency at home?

The truth of the matter is that the PA-PLO leadership hates Hamas so much that it would support the unthinkable against the people of Gaza.

Unfortunately there is no other conclusion that can be drawn from al-Maleki’s statements.

Indeed the vengeance and vindictiveness with which the Ramallah regime’s security agencies showed in suppressing this week’s protest in downtown Ramallah by the mothers and relatives of political detainees leave no doubt as regards the malicious intent of the PA.

We who live here in the West Bank remember how we watched in horror how some Fatah operatives in Hebron and elsewhere gleefully celebrated the wanton Israeli bombing of Gaza in 2008-2009 which really shows that the PA-PLO can’t be given the benefit of the doubt if there is ever a doubt in this regard.

Khalid Amayreh is a veteran journalist and current affairs commentator living in occupied Palestine.

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