Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinians in Iraq grill Rejoub over false remarks

Tuesday 13-February-2007

RAMALLAH (PIC)– Tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees in Iraq felt disappointed and flayed Fatah man and the special envoy of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas to Iraq Jibril Al-Rejoub for giving wrong statements alleging that they weren’t interested in leaving that war-torn country to a safer haven.

In a statement they issued after Rejoub’s visit to Iraq the refugees affirmed that they were stunned by Rejoub’s allegations on Al-Jazeera satellite TV channel that he met with a delegation from the refugees and that the delegation expressed willingness to stay in Iraq.

In this regard the statement cited a number of UNHCR calls for international community to open doors for the Palestinian refugees in Iraq in the wake of the string of armed attacks on them.

“Rejoub didn’t bother himself to visit the refugees’ communities in Iraq which turned into big jails in order to take first-hand information on their conditions” the statement underlined.

The refugees further accused the Fatah official of discouraging the world from helping them seek safer refuge and asserted that his remarks were “clear undermining of the refugees’ suffering a disrespect of their feelings and obvious cancellation of the efforts exerted so far by human rights organizations to end their ordeal”.

Hence the refugees called on Rejoub to apologize to them for putting words in their mouth and urged him to be sincere in dealing with the refugees’ issue away from “achieving media and political gains which were clear in his speech”.

Around 200 Palestinian refugees have been killed in Iraq at the hands of Iraqi militias believed to be spurred and sanctioned by the US occupation forces the Israeli Mossad (external intelligence apparatus which is active in Iraq) and fanatic sectarians.
Dozens of the refugees were arrested and thrown into American-administered and Iraqi jails without charges.

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