Sat 21-September-2024

Mishaal confers with Mousa on lifting siege on Palestinians

Tuesday 13-February-2007

DAMASCUS (PIC)– Khaled Mishaal the Hamas Movement’s top leader on Tuesday conferred with Amre Mousa the Arab League secretary general in Damascus on the importance of lifting the siege imposed on the Palestinian people following the Makkah agreement.

Hamas information office said in a statement that the Mishaal-Amre meeting in the presence of a number of Hamas political bureau members tackled the Makkah agreement forged under Saudi patronage.

Mishaal explained details of the agreement and its results and appreciated Mousa’s concern with the Palestinian issues and his constant efforts to forge Palestinian national unity.

For his part Mousa hailed the Makkah agreement and called on all signatories to respect and to implement it on the ground to spare Palestinian blood and to preserve national unity.

The Arab League chief executive also called on all concerned parties to lift the siege imposed on the Palestinian people because there was no need for such a siege after the Palestinians’ agreement on a national unity government.

He vowed that the AL would continue in its supportive role of the Palestinian people and its just cause.

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