Sat 21-September-2024

Palestinian workers’ syndicates support Makka agreement

Sunday 11-February-2007

GAZA (PIC)– Secretary-general of the Islamic syndicates’ union of Palestinian workers Ahmed Kotob has urged Hamas and Fatah Movements to implement the unity government agreement which they signed Thursday in the holy city of Makka.

“We congratulate our Palestinian people for that great achievement which preserved Palestinian blood and stopped the ugly internecine in the Palestinian territories” Kotob added.

He also assured the Palestinian leadership of the upcoming unity government of full support from thousands of Palestinian workers asserting “What had been achieved in Makka was a natural result to the brotherly dialogue between the two biggest factions in the Palestinian arena namely Hamas and Fatah as both of them realized the dangers engulfing the Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian question as a whole”.

In this regard Kotob praised Hamas for the flexibility it had displayed during the negotiations which he noted paved the way for the agreement to succeed affirming that Hamas cut the road before the parties that conspired to ignite Palestinian civil war.

In addition the role of the Saudi monarch King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz in bringing the two Movements face-to-face in Makka was hailed by Kotob affirming that the kingdom was pioneer in supporting the Palestinian question and people.


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