Sat 21-September-2024

PRC ends truce with Israel over aggressions on Aqsa Mosque

Sunday 11-February-2007

GAZA (PIC)– Considering the ongoing IOA excavation works at the Aqsa Mosque as the most serious violation of truce the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) decided to resume retaliation to the IOF troops’ aggressions.

The decision didn’t take long to be translated on the ground as the group announced that its home-made missiles started to fall on Israeli settlements around the Gaza Strip including Netiv Ha`asara settlement among other Israeli colonies.

In a press statement Saturday Abu Al-Saed one of the PRC commanders urged all Palestinian factions to end the truce and to resume shelling Israeli colonies and IOF military installations in the 1948-occupied Palestinian lands.

“We in the PRC declare that the truce we have given to the Israeli occupation is over and we will defend the Aqsa Mosque at all costs without a single step backward” said Abu Al-Saed.

He however hailed the Makkah agreement between Fatah and Hamas Movements and expressed hopes that the new government will shield the Palestinian resistance against the occupation.

“We have the full confidence in the upcoming unity government’s ability of restructuring the Palestinian institutions providing Palestinian people the honorable life they deserve and achieving national aspirations and freedom of the Palestinian populace” he underlined.

Similar calls to avenge the IOF aggressions on the Aqsa Mosque were earlier uttered by Hamas’ prominent political figure Sheikh Nizar Rayyan who invited Palestinian factions to end the truce with Israel and to begin again rattling Israeli settlements.

The Palestine scholars’ league (PSL) plans to organize an open day on Sunday where it will host a number of Muslim scholars in Palestine to shed light on the ongoing IOA excavations at the Aqsa Mosque.

Moreover the PSL donated 3000 dollars to help rebuild the Islamic University in Gaza that was burned at the hands of unruly PA security elements ten days ago.

Concocted raid:
In a related matter head of the higher Islamic authority in Palestine Sheikh Ekrema Sabri condemned the IOF troops’ attacks on the Aqsa Mosque affirming that the raid was concocted with the aim to break the determination and steadfastness of the Palestinian people.

“The IOF troops’ raid on the Aqsa Mosque and the savage manner they used in quelling Palestinian worshippers inside it was unjustified; yet what made bad things worse was banning Palestinian ambulances and paramedics from reaching wounded Palestinians besieged inside the Mosque” Sabri explained.

More than 50 Palestinian Jerusalemites were wounded when thousands of IOF troops stormed the Mosque and fired live and rubber-coated bullets at them as they were protesting the IOA destruction of the Magharba gate one of the Mosque’s gates.


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