Sat 21-September-2024

Jordanian monarch blames Abbas for aborting reconciliation meeting with Haneyya

Monday 15-January-2007

RAMALLAH (PIC)– Sources in the Jordanian capital Amman have affirmed that Jordanian monarch Abdullah II has blamed Saturday PA chief Mahmoud Abbas for aborting a Jordanian initiative to bring him and Ismail Haneyya the PA premier in a reconciliatory meeting in Amman last month.

The Quds Press news agency that carried the report also quoted an official statement issued by the royal court affirming that Abbas discussed with the King international and Arab efforts attempting to reactivate the peace process in the Middle East in addition to the latest political and security conditions in the PA-run lands.

Abbas according to the statement briefed his host on the efforts exerted by the Palestinian leadership to reach national harmony and to form a unity government able to end the unjust embargo imposed by the USA and its allies on the Palestinian people since Hamas led the PA government in March last year after winning the legislative elections.

Apparently prompted by the escalated tension between the two biggest factions in the Palestinian territories namely Hamas and Fatah King Abdullah proposed an initiative to bring Abbas and Haneyya together in Amman to patch up differences.

Hamas welcomed the initiative and expressed readiness to heed the King’s proposal as the Movement’s political leadership affirmed it was awaiting the invitation to Amman; yet Abbas refused the invitation attributing his rejection to the “difficult” Palestinian internal matters.

Fatah leaders want erred practices in the Movement’s name stop:
Meanwhile prominent political leaders in Fatah faction in Nablus city affirmed that they were preparing a list of recommendations to present them to Abbas in his capacity as the faction’s general-commander asking him to bridle practices carried out by some influential leaders in the faction that tarnished the Movement’s image and credibility in the Palestinian street.

Well-informed sources affirmed to the PIC correspondent in the city that the Movement’s leaders were worried over its future as a result of those erred practices that almost isolated the Movement in the Palestinian street.

Armed groups affiliated with Fatah had vandalized the streets of the West Bank torched a number of commercial stores owned by prominent families in the city close to Hamas and assaulted dignified personalities affiliated with Hamas in the city over the past few weeks.

Sources close to the leaders affirmed that the recommendations call for displacing certain political and military leaders in the Movement from the frontline describing them as “rejected” figures.

Fatah sustained humiliating defeat in the PA legislative elections a year ago when majority of the Palestinian people apparently fed up with the wrong practices and corruption sanctioned by the Movement that led the PA since 1993 voted for Hamas.


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