Sun 6-October-2024

Abbas’s security carries Jihad activist to hospital after round of torture

Wednesday 24-December-2008

RAMALLAH (PIC)– PA security apparatuses loyal to PA chief Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank have carried Islamic Jihad activist Noor Sawafta to hospital after kidnapping him from his hometown in Tobas Jenin district and torturing him severely during interrogation rounds.

A senior source in the Movement said on Tuesday night that masked Palestinian security men had ransacked Sawafta’s home in search of weapons and beat up the activist and his family members before taking him to the intelligence jail where he was brutally tortured during interrogation.

He was carried to hospital after suffering fractures in different parts of his body the source said adding that Sawafta had been out of Israeli occupation jails for a few months and is the brother of one of the prominent Jihad activists in the West Bank Salah Al-Sawafta who was assassinated by the Israeli occupation forces.

The source also regretted that Sheikh Khader Adnan one of the Jihad leading political figures in the West Bank was humiliated and insulted in Yamon village by PA security men after delivering a statement at the mourning ceremony of Jihad Nawahda who was killed at the hands of the IOF soldiers.

The source asked all Palestinian factions to seriously confront those security apparatuses’ persecution and prosecution of resistance elements.

Meanwhile MP Dr. Hasan Khreisha the second deputy PLC speaker said in a statement on Tuesday that the Ramallah government of Salam Fayyad severs the salaries of 200 to 300 civil servants on daily basis on suspicion of voting for Hamas in the 2006 legislative elections.

He said that the measure was impeding national unity dialog adding that citizens should be spared exploitation in this manner.

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