Mon 16-September-2024

Israeli occupation to tear down 20 buildings in OJ

Thursday 15-December-2016

The Israeli occupation municipality in Occupied Jerusalem distributed on Thursday demolition notifications against 20 buildings in Isawiya village.

Hani al-Isawi an activist and political analyst confirmed that the Israeli municipality delivered the notifications to a number of families in Isawiya village noting that the practice has been proceeding lately on daily basis.

Al-Isawi told Quds Press that the Israeli municipality filed about two weeks ago a request with the court to demolish a number of old houses from 20 to 30 years old while giving the owners 30 days to object to the decision.

“The Israeli municipality seeks to tear down 20 buildings with a total of 80 apartments in which dozens of Jerusalemites live. The motive behind that is purely political” al-Issawi added.

He underlined that during the past two days inhabitants in the village received new demolition orders which if implemented would render tens of families homeless under the pretext of “unlicensed construction.”

More than 20000 Palestinian houses in Jerusalem are threatened with demolition under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

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