Mon 16-September-2024

EU slams Israel for razing 866 structures since start of 2016

Wednesday 14-December-2016

The missions of the European Union (EU) states in the occupied Palestinian territories condemned Israel for demolishing 866 Palestinian structures in the West Bank and Jerusalem since the beginning of the current year.

According to a statement released by heads of the EU missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah Israel’s demolition of those structures affected the lives of more than 5700 Palestinians including 1221 families with their children who became homeless.

Those demolitions largely took place in Area C of the West Bank.

Three EU-funded structures were razed on December 6 2016 in al-Fasayil al-Wusta village south of the Jordan Valley the statement noted.

The statement also deplored the Israeli authorities for recently confiscating solar panels and electrical equipment funded by the EU in Susya village east of Yatta town in al-Khalil and demolishing livestock stores in al-Khalayla neighborhood and Nabi Samuel village northwest of Jerusalem.

The EU called on Israel to stop its systematic demolition of Palestinian structures and homes in the West Bank and Jerusalem and respect its international obligations as an occupying power.

It also called for ending its settlement expansion and land grab policies and refrain from hindering the development of Palestinians areas under its occupation.

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