Fri 20-September-2024

Bethlehem: Citizens protest Israel’s detention of killed relatives

Tuesday 6-December-2016

Dozens of Bethlehem University students and families of martyrs participated on Monday in a sit-in staged in the city to demand the Israeli authorities to release the detained bodies of martyrs.

According to a Palestinian Information Center (PIC) reporter the participants carried pictures of martyrs as well as placards praising them and denouncing Israel’s policy of detaining bodies of slain Palestinians.

Speakers at the sit-in urged the Palestinian factions and all concerned parties to raise their voice loud against this Israeli arrogant policy and make efforts to enable the families of martyrs to receive the bodies of their relatives in order to bury them.

There are about 25 bodies of Palestinian male and female martyrs being held in Israeli morgues. All of them had been killed by either security or military forces during al-Quds intifada (uprising) that started in early October 2015.

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