Mon 16-September-2024

PRC condemns Lebanon’s isolation fence around Palestinian camp

Friday 25-November-2016

The Palestinian Return Center (PRC) expressed its deep concern over the separation wall built by the Lebanese government to engulf the vulnerable Palestinian refugee camp of Ein al-Hilweh.

According to a statement by PRC the step made by the Lebanese authorities is extremely dangerous as it will aggravate the social division in the country and lock up more than 80000 refugees in a large open air prison.

PRC dubbed the Lebanese initiative a form of “apartheid” and “discrimination”.

“This new wall will increase the daily suffering and misery of Palestinian refugees who despite their longstanding presence in Lebanon do not benefit from key aspects of social political and economic life” the statement read.

The center added that the Lebanese government’s action represents a violation of international law and basic human rights.

PRC vowed to launch an international campaign to counter the move in all worldwide platforms so as to urge the Lebanese government to overturn its “wrong” and “inhuman” action.

The center called on the Lebanese authorities to work towards the enhancement of the living conditions for Palestinian refugees in the country and grant them all of their human rights so that they can enjoy a dignified life.

The work on the wall around the refugee camp near Sidon became a point of controversy. Refugees called it a scar on Arabs’ face. Observers compared it to Israel’s apartheid wall dismembering Palestinian towns and villages in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The first blocks of the isolation wall were erected around the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon this week as a plan to build security cordons and watchtowers around Ein al-Hilweh came into effect.

Ein al-Hilweh camp covering an area of one square kilometer is home to over 80000 Palestinian refugees who were recently joined by thousands of displaced Palestinians fleeing warfare in beleaguered Syria.

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