Mon 16-September-2024

Palestinian researcher’s house threatened with demolition

Saturday 12-November-2016

The Israeli police forces notified Saturday morning the Jerusalemite researcher Dr. Jamal Amr that his house in Silwan town east of occupied Jerusalem would be demolished.

Amr affirmed that Israeli police stormed his house Saturday morning along with municipal crews and handed him a demolition order.

He affirmed that his house which was built 62 years ago was restored in 1993 with an Israeli permit.

The demolition order came as part of the Israeli municipality’s demolition policies against Jerusalemite houses which were built before the establishment of the Israeli state he pointed out.

He said that the Israeli demolition policy has notably escalated especially near al-Aqsa Mosque under flimsy pretexts.

Amr and his wife were previously denied access to al-Aqsa Mosque and travel abroad under “security reasons.”

More than 20000 homes are currently threatened with demolition in occupied Jerusalem under the pretext of being built without “Israeli permit.”

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