Thu 24-October-2024

Youth killed 3 soldiers wounded in anti-occupation shooting

Monday 31-October-2016

A Palestinian youth was shot dead by the Israeli occupation army on Monday evening after he carried out an anti-occupation shooting attack in Ramallah province wounding three Israeli soldiers.

According to Israeli news outlets one soldier was seriously wounded and two others were lightly-to-moderately hurt when a Palestinian anti-occupation youth opened fire at the Beit El checkpoint at the northern entrance to Ramallah city.

The seriously wounded soldier suffered gunshot wounds to his lower body while the two lightly-to-moderately wounded soldiers suffered injuries to their limbs from fragments.

The anti-occupation attacker named Mohammad Abdul Khalek Turkman was a 25-year-old Palestinian security officer and a native of Jenin’s southern town of Qabatiya.

Paramedics arrived on the scene and took the injured soldiers to Hadassah Medical Center for treatment.

The resistance movement Hamas hailed the anti-occupation shooting calling it heroic and “a strong message in the face of Israeli crimes”.

Hamas also called for “more involvement from Palestinian security officers in the Palestinian Intifada” (uprising).

The Islamic Jihad Movement also acclaimed the operation dubbing it a natural response to Israel’s terrorism against the Palestinian people.

Speaking with the PIC Islamic Jihad leader Khader Habib said the anti-occupation attack is a translation of Palestinians’ right to self-defense in light of the ongoing Israeli assaults on Islamic holy sites and Judaization of Occupied Jerusalem.

Palestinian national and Islamic factions in Qabatiya town mourned the slain youth.

Several Palestinians flocked to Turkman’s family home to extend condolences to his parents and relatives.

At least 236 Palestinians including 11 from Qabatiya town were killed by the Israeli occupation army since the outburst of the anti-occupation Jerusalem Intifada in early October last year.

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