Fri 20-September-2024

Injuries arrests in West Bank sweep by Israeli forces

Wednesday 22-November-2017

A number of Palestinians were kidnapped by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at daybreak Wednesday in abduction sweeps rocking the West Bank.

The Israeli army claimed responsibility for the abduction of eight Palestinians on account of their involvement in anti-occupation activities.

A Palestinian youth sustained foot injuries in clashes that flared up shortly after the IOF stormed al-Duheisha refugee camp to the southeast of Bethlehem.

The IOF also kidnapped a young man—Ward al-Seifi—and seized a car belonging to his family in the camp.

At the same time Israeli soldiers ransacked Palestinian shops including one for selling jewelry in Ramallah. Clashes burst out following the assault.

A number of Palestinians were also kidnapped by the IOF from al-Khalil’s southern town of Yatta and from Bartaa town west of Jenin province.

A series of flying checkpoints were pitched by the occupation army along the Jenin-Haifa thoroughfare.

The Israeli patrols further scoured Palestinian ranches in Jenin’s western town of Rummana and sealed off the main entrance to the area with a military checkpoint in the second such move over the past couple of days.

Palestinian vehicles and passengers have been subjected to exhaustive inspection at the abruptly-pitched checkpoints.

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