Fri 25-October-2024

IOF soldiers take selfies with Palestinian prisoners

Monday 6-November-2017

A report issued by Detainees and Ex-detainees Committee on Monday showed that two Palestinian imprisoned brothers: Tareq and Ahmad Baja 26 and 19 years old respectively were subjected to ill-treatment and abuse by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) during their arrest.

The two captives who are from Jayyous town in Qalqilya narrated their story of arrest to lawyer Hanan al-Khatib. She reported that they were rounded up at midnight after storming and wreaking havoc inside their home. IOF soldiers blindfolded them both then took them to a military jeep to be transferred to a nearby military camp.

They told the lawyer that the soldiers did not stop abusing them … beating screaming cursing and insulting them all along the journey. What provoked them the most was the soldiers taking a selfie for themselves with the captives while being tortured the lawyer said.

The detainees were taken to Huwara detention center then to Megiddo jail where they were strip-searched.

The report also stated that two other prisoners: Murad al-Araj 25 from Anabta town in Tulkarem and Tarik Abu Tabikh from Jenin refugee camp were also tortured and ill-treated during detention and investigation.

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