Fri 20-September-2024

Hunger striker held without trial in Israeli jail gets isolated

Wednesday 1-November-2017

The Israeli Prison Service (IPS) transferred the Palestinian hunger striker Bilal Diab to an isolated cell at Ohlikdar lock-up.

Lawyer Khaled Muhajna from the Palestinian Prisoners Society said Diab on hunger strike for 15 days running has refused to drink water for days so as to pressure the IPS to improve his conditions of captivity.

Diab had been locked up in an isolated cell in Ashkelon jail surrounded by the cells of Israeli criminals.

The lawyer added that insects have been spreading in the poorly equipped cell where the detainee uses his shoes as a pillow as he has only access to a ragged bed and light blanket.

In 2012 32-year-old Bilal Diab from Jenin’s town of Kafr Ra’i had gone through a 78-day hunger strike to protest his administrative detention with neither charge nor trial in Israeli jails. The Israeli occupation forces re-arrested him on July 14 and sentenced him to a six-month administrative term.

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