Fri 20-September-2024

PFLP: Political arrests harm efforts to cement the national unity

Sunday 15-October-2017

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has called on the Palestinian Authority (PA) to curb the frenzied political arrest campaign that is carried out by its security apparatuses against human rights and social media activists in the West Bank.

In a statement on Saturday the PFLP warned that the PA’s persistence in such practice would torpedo the current efforts to consolidate the national unity and raise questions over its seriousness towards the national reconciliation.

“Despite the calls made by rights and national parties for stopping political arrests and the talk about national reconciliation the PA forces continue to carry out the policy of political arrests in the West Bank where they [recently] targeted human rights activist Muntaser Karajah and youth activist Hamza Zubaidat for politically motivated reasons” the PFLP stated.

The PFLP called on the PA for necessarily putting an end to “such miserable policy that targets Palestinian young men national figures and anyone expressing his/her opinion and opposing the policies of the PA through democratic means.”

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